
Geoprogress Global Forum 2016


Torino, 3-4 May
Aula Magna at Rectorate of the University of Torino
Via Po,17 – Torino

The “Geoprogress Global Forum (GGF)” is an international initiative promoted by the Geoprogress Journal, which is an open access e-journal, submitted to a double-blind peer review, edited by Geoprogress. This is a non-profit organisation founded by Italian academics out of various disciplines and universities for contributing to the progress of humanity, namely to build a better world, and enhance peace and well-being, interdependence between nations, emancipation from starvation and other humiliating deprivations .


The GGF is open to scientists, experts, politicians and anyone around the World who wants to contribute to overcome the above problems. Furthermore it would contribute to initiate a people global network with the same world concept and intentions and therefore help to urge the international policies of their States in the same direction. Each edition focuses on different problems of territory development, from local to global scale, and debates policies, management models and action proposals.


In the edition 2016, the first, the GGF intends to focus on food security issues. In particular, it aims:

  • to analyze current food geography, which involves great differences in nutrition problems in different territories and requires different solutions and overall  a new re-launch of cooperation  among people for a sustainable development;
  • to discuss the strategies of food security and safety for humanity and put forward new policies and regulations, nationally and internationally.

Its purpose is not only to give continuity to the debate concerning the issues of EXPO and the Charter of Milan (2015) that should be constantly in the spotlight of the scholars and public decision makers; but also to try to further involve the scientific community in the hunger problem and to contribute to define how “Feeding the Planet”, that was the slogan of the Expo, and particularly how to feed it sustainably.

This international conference is the main moment of the Forum, which then continues both with the publication of scientific papers and developing the debate over the web,


This edition of the GeoProgress Global Forum is organised

with the collaboration of the

 Senza titolo

 with a financial contribution of the


under the patronage of


and with the support of the excellent drinks and food of

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016


14:00 – 14:30   Registration of participants

14:30 – 18:30 Conference  on “Food, geography and food security policies”

Chairman: Francesco Adamo, President of Geoprogress (Onlus)


Opening Greetings :

Gianmaria Ajani, Rector of University of Torino

Piero Fassino, Mayor of the City of Torino


Reports and Keynotes

Geography, policies and perspectives of food security

  • Ana Maria Viegas Firmino, Chair, IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems
  • Maria Sassi, Agricultural Economist, University of Pavia (Italy)


Institutional visions, actions and proposals for  food security.

– Lorenzo Bellù , FAO , Senior Economist, Economic and Social Development Dept.

– Adolfo Brizzi, IFAD , Director, Policy and Technical Advisory Division

Brando Beninfei, European Parliament Member.


NGO’s perspectives and policy proposals:

– Andrea Stocchiero, FOCSIV , Policy Dept.

Valentina Meraviglia, Slow Food



Planned interventions, questions and free interventions on the introductory keynotes.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Contribution to the Conference

09 : 00 – 10: 00 I Session of papers presentation

Chairman: Etienne Piguet, Université de Neuchâtel.


The environmental issue in China: norms and enforcement after COP-21

   Mariagrazia Semprebon, Legal Consultant.

Organic food in China: the law behind lüse shipin and youji shipin,

   Riccardo Berti, Lawyer.


The abandonment of agricultural land in Italy – Italian measures to

contrast the phenomenon – The example of the regional legislation on the so-called “land banks”,

Giuliana Strambi , Institute of International and Comparative Agricultural Law – NRC.


Climate change vulnerability, water resources access and food security in

   Oromia and in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR),

Alessandro Pezzoli, Carolin Canessa , Chiara Brunisso, Elisa Bignante, Agnese Natale, Angela

Calvo, Elena Belcore, Andrea Bessone*. University and Polytechnic of Torino, *LVIA.


Effectiveness of weather index insurance for smallholders in Ethiopia,

Federica Di Marcantonio*, Antoine Leblois**, Wolfgang Göbel*  and Hervè Kerdiles,*

*JRC-EC and INRA.**


10:00 – 11: 00 II Session of Papers Presentation

Chairman: Egidio Dansero, University of Torino.


Food security, Migration and Environmental change: what do we know about their relations ?

Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchâtel.


Effect of climate change on plant disease and food security,

     Massimo Pugliese, Agroinnova, Disafa, University of Torino.


Food, Feed and Fuel. Geography of productions and market consequence

Vittorio Amato, Department of Political Sciences, University of Napoli “Federico II”.


Climate change and livestock productions systems: a case study in Niger of technical and didactic

   activities, Carlo Semita, Riccardo Fortina, Tiziana Nervo, Ousseina Saidou Toure, Issa

Moumouni, Mahaman Abdou Maaouia Moussa, Marichatou Hamani, University of Torino and

African Universities.


Sharing best practices and educational tools among countries of Sahel

   Elena Ferrero, Giovanni Mortara, Carlo Semita, University of Torino.


11:00 – Coffee break.


11:15- 13: 00 Workshop on “Food and local development issues”

Chairwoman:   Maria Giuseppina Lucia, University of Torino.


Egidio Dansero, Giacomo Pettenati, Alessia Toldo.

Margherita Alice Perino.

Paolo Rizzi and Paola Graziano.

Marco Giardino, Luigi Perotti, Rossella Vigna.

Luca Simone Rizzo.

Francesca S. Rota.


13: 00 Hypotheses for next GGF

Francesco Adamo, Vittorio Amato, Sergio Conti, Egidio Dansero, Maria G. Lucia (Geoprogress).

Mariagrazia Pellerino (Torino City Councillor)



Responsible for the GGF

Francesco Adamo, Prof. Emer. of Economic Geography, President of Geoprogress Onlus.


Steering Committee of the GGF: Bjorn Asheim (Norway and Sweden), Huseyn Bagci,(Turkey), Vincente Bielza de Ory (Spain), Vladimir Kolossov (Russia), Sergio Conti (Italy), Elena Dell’Agnese (Italy), Labadi Fadwa (Palestine), Claudio Minca (Nederlands), Julian V. Minghi (USA), Maria Paradiso (Italy), Petros Petsimeris (France), Stephane Rosiere (France), Christian Vandermotten (Belgium), Peter Wiltshier (United Kingdom).


Scientific Committee of the GGF 2016

Ana Maria Viegas Firmino, Chair, IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems

Maria Paradiso, Chair, Italian National Committee in International Geographical Union.

Maria Sassi, University of Pavia (Agrifood Economics)

Fernando Brito Soares (Agricultural Economics)

Franco Sotte, Politechnic University of Marche (Agricultural Economics and Policy).

Andrea Stocchiero, FOCSIV (Development Policy)


Executive Committee of the GGF 2016

Maria G. Lucia, University of Torino (Economic Geography ), Coordinator

Marco Giardino, University of Torino (Geomorphology)

Piercarlo Rossi, University of Eastern Piemonte (Comparative Law)

Luca Simone Rizzo, University of Padova

Francesca Silvia Rota , IRES Piemonte (Regional science)

Angioletta Voghera, Polytechnic of Torino (Urban and Regional Planning)


Secretariat of the GGF 2016

Edoardo Ardizzone, Ludovica Alessio, Luisa Montobbio, Cinzia Pagano, Caterina Zadra.


– DIST – Ufficio Eventi: +39 011 090 7475, +39 335 53 15 643

e-mail: ludo.ale1992@gmail.com,  luisa.montobbio@polito.it, cinzia.pagano@polito.it,

info@geoprogress.eu,    +39 335 12 43 112 , +39 335 5315643.