
Le Giornate del Turismo – the Italian Tourism Days is an initiative
promoted by the Annali del turismo, an open access e-journal submitted to a double-blind
peer review, edited by Geoprogress. This is a non-profit organization founded by Italian
academics out of various disciplines and universities for contributing to the progress of
humanity, namely to build a better world, and enhance peace and well-being,
interdependence between nations, emancipation from starvation and other humiliating
The Annual Conference represents the heart of the initiative, usually sponsored by the
Università del Piemonte Orientale (UPO) and other various institutions and national
associations of Italian tourism. Now in its 21st edition, it is realized this year with the
collaboration of the UPO Interdepartmental Study Centre UPONTOURISM. Vision, Strategy,
Research for innovative and sustainable tourism, directed by Professor Stefania Cerutti.


for the Annali del Turismo publication and for the Conference
According to UNWTO sustainable is
"Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and
environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment
and host communities"
Management practices of sustainable tourism development “are applicable to all forms of
tourism in all types of destinations, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism
segments. Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural
aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these
three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability. Thus, sustainable tourism
1. Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism
development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve
natural heritage and biodiversity.
2. Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and
living cultural heritage and traditional values, and contribute to inter-cultural
understanding and tolerance.
3. Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-economic benefits to all
stakeholders that are fairly distributed, including stable employment and income-
earning opportunities and social services to host communities, and contributing to
poverty alleviation.
Sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant
stakeholders, as well as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and
consensus building. Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process and it requires
constant monitoring of impacts, introducing the necessary preventive and/or corrective
measures whenever necessary.
Sustainable tourism should also maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction and ensure a
meaningful experience to the tourists, raising their awareness about sustainability issues
and promoting sustainable tourism practices amongst them”.
A sustainable – and increasingly sustainable – development of tourism as with all human
activities has been a fundamental objective of the Geoprogress mission, since its
foundation. Analysis of tourist development practices, policies and strategies from this point
of view have been the subject of debate since the first edition of the annual conference of
the Italian Tourism Days.
From 2022 and for a few following years – due to the increased sensitivity on environmental
problems and some evidence of the pandemic on the environment of some destinations –
we intend to focus specifically on studies and evaluations of different tourism and their
practices, on cases of growth in sustainability and success, on cases of evident
unsustainability to be reported, on comparative analyses of tourism policies and strategies
in terms of sustainability and lasting success. For this first year, it seems useful not to limit
the call for papers to some of the many problems and aspects of the broad theme of the
relationship between tourism and the environment, but to leave the specific choice of their
contribution to all scholars, single or in groups, who will accept our warm invitation to
propose a paper. This also allows us to understand how the broad topic is interpreted,
which are their privileged research objects and to orient the calls for the next few years.
Among the topics included in this broad issue of tourism sustainability, which deserve to be
considered as the object of study, we find for example:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment: Methods, Applications and Results, Critical Evaluations.
  2. Ecological, Socio-cultural and Economic Effects of tourism (of tourism operators and of tourists)
    in destinations, according types of tourism and destination environment.
  3. Evaluation of above effects and calculation of the costs of the negative effects (of the resources
    consumed and for projects of recovery and restoration of adequate ecological conditions),
    compared in the case study with the benefits.
  4. Tourism transport and natural environment. Analyses and evaluation of air transport effects
  5. Sustainability and types of tourism
  6. Sustainability and types of tourist
  7. Sustainability and forms of accommodation
  8. Sustainability and Tourist Business Management models
  9. Environmental Management Systems in tourism activities
  10. Policies for sustainable tourism
  11. Sustainable development planning of tourist destinations
  12. Eco-tourism is sustainable?


Theoretical contributions will be much appreciated, on methods and tools of analysis and
evaluation, as well as the illustration of a case study.


Title and Abstract (about 100 words) and, later on the whole paper, should be sent to
paola.menzardi@uniupo.it by the following deadlines:
June 30, 2022, for the abstract
October 10, 2022, for the complete manuscript

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under
consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers); they
should be well formatted and use correct English (or Spanish or French). A guide for authors
and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available at the website
Please visit this website or the page http://geoprogress.eu/edizioni-di-geoprogress/,
download and use the format (Style Guidelines for Author) before submitting a manuscript.
All the papers will be submitted to double peer-review; and, if accepted, papers will be
published in the Special Issue 2022 of Annali del turismo (by December 2022).
The Authors will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their papers, if they like,
in the international Conference whose draft program is reported below, to be held in
presence and/or via telematics.


The Authors will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their papers, if they like,
in the following international Conference to be held in presence or via telematics.

Novara, Verbania and Lake Maggiore
2022, October 27 th -29 th

Draft Program
Thursday Morning 27 th October
DISEI Department Novara| Via Perrone 18
I Session Chairman : Francesco Adamo , Emeritus Professor , UPO and Geoprogress
9:00 – Welcome and opening greetings
9:30-11:00 – Keynote speeches on:
“Sustainable and Inclusive Futures for Marginalised Communities”|Professor Jaeyeon Choe,
Swansea University, UK
“Sustainable businesses strategies: resilience and responsibility needs for future
tourism”|Professor Jarkko Saarinen, Oulu University, Finland
“From Destination Planning to Destination Design. Is sustainability a cultural frame or a
management tool?”|Professor Harald Pechlaner, Catholic University of Eichstätt-
Ingolstadt, Germany, Head of the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research,
II Session – Chaired by Stefania Cerutti, UPO
11:00-12:30 – Round table on “Tourism studies and Tourism Development Impact
Assessment “
12:30-14:00 – Lunch break
III Session – Chaired by Fabio Pollice, Università del Salento*
14:00-15:30 – Reports of experts from national and international organisations on:
“Trends and policies of sustainable tourism “
15:30 Coffee break
15:45-17:45 – Tavola Rotonda di Istituzioni e forze politiche italiane*
“Una pianificazione operativa, sistemica e partecipativa, per la governance e
il progresso delle destinazioni turistiche italiane”.
Partecipanti: Ministro, Operatori pubblici e privati, Rappresentati di Regioni e di forze
politiche nazionali.
Coordinatore : Andrea Lovelock, Giornalista
Relatori invitati: Stefania Mandurino (imprenditrice), Representative of Puglia Promotion,
Lara Magoni (Ass. Regione Lombardia), Valentina Corrado (Ass. Regione Lazio), Massimo
Mallegni (Senatore, Forza Italia), Chiara Braga (Deputata ,PD), Daniele D’Amario
(Conferenza Regioni e Prov. Autonome), Minister of Tourismo
18:00 – Assemblea dei soci di Geoprogress aperta ai partecipanti alle Giornate del Turismo
Friday 28 th October
11:00-12:30 – Papers presentation (parallel sessions)
12.30-14.00 – Lunch break
14.00-15.30 – Papers presentation (parallel sessions)
15:30-16:00 – Coffee break
16:00-16:30 – Closing remarks
Saturday 29 th October |Lakes Maggiore and Orta
Tourist excursion to visit the main attractions of north-eastern Piedmont lake district
Attendants, excursion and living experiences
All those who wish are invited to attend the conference. In particular, students of the
degree course in Tourism Promotion and Management on the Perrone campus in Novara
should attend the conference on both days. Those who participate in person, by reporting it
in the registration form that you find below, can obtain meals and hotel accommodation at
special prices that will be soon communicated. Those who intend to participate in the
excursion on Saturday 29 October need to book it, by sending the registration form and
paying 70€ to Geoprogress (bank account indicated above) for local transport and lunch.


Responsibles for this edition of the initiative
Francesco Adamo (Geoprogress) and Stefania Cerutti (UPO, Upontourism)
International Advisory Board
Peter Wiltshier (Derby University, U.K.), Ann Carr (Otago University, N.Z.), Susan (Sue)
Slocum (George Mason University, USA)
Scientific Committee
Francesco Adamo, Lorenzo Bagnoli, Valter Cantino, Stefania Cerutti, Alessandro Capocchi,
Cesare Emanuel, Giovanni Fraquelli, Monica Meini, Paola Orlandini, Fabio Pollice, Piercarlo
Rossi, Vittorio Ruggiero, Gianfranco Spinelli, Lida Viganoni
Paola Menzardi (Upontourism, conference coordinator) paola.menzardi@uniupo.it
Caterina Zadra info@nonsolotrekking.com
For more info or details: info@geoprogress.eu | +39 335 134 31 12
Social media and communication: Edoardo Ardizzone (Geoprogress)
Communication and technical assistance services
Davide Murmora, Francesco Scalera

Web page

Home Page

The conference is held with the collaboration of UPONTOURISM and ARS.UNI.VCO

and with the patronage of
Ministero del Turismo Conferenza Regioni e P.A.

Italian Tourism Days
2022, October 27 th -29 th



to be sent to info@geoprogress.eu and paola.menzardi@uniupo.it

Name: Surname:
Title: Occupation:
e-mail address:
Title and abstract of my paper: