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GeoProgress Journal – Call for Papers

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GeoProgress Journal is a serial publication of scientific papers edited by Geoprogress – a not-for-profit organization founded in 2011 in Italy – in line with its strategic objective to increase and disseminate knowledge in order to contribute to the progress of humanity. In particular, it is an open access e-journal submitted to a double-blind peer review.

Editor–in-chief : Francesco Adamo (Italy),

International Advisory Editorial board : Bjorn Asheim (Norway and Sweden), Huseyn Bagci,(Turkey), Vincente Bielza de Ory (Spain), Vladimir Kolossov (Russia), Sergio Conti (Italy), Elena Dell’Agnese (Italy), Labadi Fadwa (Palestine), Claudio Minca (Nederlands), Julian V. Minghi (USA), Maria Paradiso (Italy), Petros Petsimeris (France), Stephane Rosiere (France), Christian Vandermotten (Belgium), Peter Wiltshier (United Kingdom).

Editors: Vittorio Amato (Coord.), Margherita Azzari (GIScience and Spatial Analysis), Marco Giardino (Environmental Studies), Maria G. Lucia (Finance Geography issues), Piercarlo Rossi (Governance issues and rules), Vittorio Ruggiero (Economic Geography), Angioletta Voghera (Urban and Regional Planning).

Call for papers.

Geoprogress ONLUS encourages the submission of original manuscripts, commentary and essays devoted to the examination of theoretical or empirical issues, mainly related to new approaches, techniques and analysis in the fields of Development Geography and Policies, which are included in the following thematic areas: 1) Governance issues and rules, Political and Institutional Issues of Community Development, from local to global scale, International Co-operation; 2) Social and Cultural Development Issues, and Policies; 3) Natural Environment Issues and Policies for an Ecologically Sustainable Development, at regional and global scales; 4) Regional and Urban Development Issues, and Planning; 5) Methodology Issues of Business Development, Strategy, Innovation and Regional Economy; 6) Methodological and Technical Issues of Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis

Priority will be given to problems and policies of specific interest for the Geoprogress association which affect the local and the global scale and include: the cultural and socio-economic life, ecosystems, landscape and art-historical heritage, methods of territory governance, the progress of democracy in its various conceptions and of each nation’s sovereignty. Moreover, priority will be given to research providing for suggestions and policy recommendations contributing to the gradual overcoming of internal and international conflicts and of all forms of discrimination, exploitation and social injustice.

Online application

Proposals can be submitted   to Usually, Authors will be notified of the decision in 45 days. Proposals must be sent in English in the form of full length contributions (maximum 7200 words or 20 pages) , according the Style guidelines in Manuscript Submission Guidelines a you find in